Author: admin

भारत में फेंगशुई का चलन दिनों दिन बढ़ता जा रहा है इसका प्रमुख कारण है इसके आसान टिप्स। यह टिप्स इतने सरल होते हैं जो आसानी से किए जा सकते हैं देखा जाए तो फेंग शुई चीन का वास्तु शास्त्र...

What is Fengshui? Let’s Understand it Better!
Many of you don't know, what feng Shui actually is?, how it works or what kind of benefit we can get from it. And so that's why I am here, I want to explain the complexity of feng Shui in...

These 5 Yogasanas are the most effective in weight loss, do only 10 minutes daily
These are some popular yoga postures that can overcome your problem of over weight body. Come, let's know some beneficial yoga postures- Bhujangasana This yoga body tightens the muscles of your stomach and relieves the hanging fat. Also, its...

Uses of Amethyst Stone
AMETHYST STONE USES AND BENEFITS? Amethyst is a natural relaxing stone for the highly stressed, especially when the person feels miserable with no apparent reason. The person becomes listless, loses all interest in life and considers life a burden. It...
Uses of Quartz
What are the uses of Quartz Stone? Clear quartz as the name itself indicates, clears our moods and clears the air. If you are suffering from mental stress or if you have landed a stressful job or if the atmosphere...
Uses of Blood Stone
BLOODSTONE USES AND BENEFITS When the problem is with the body this stone should be used. Bloodstone has the capacity to draw out the disease from the blood. All toxins, disease-causing viruses and bacteria are neutralized and the person...
Navratna Mala and Jade Mala
What is a Navratna Mala? According to Indian astrology, there are nine planets, which rule our lives. These are Rahu, Kethu, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. There are specific stones, which vibrate to the energy level of...

Feng Shui Gold Coin Symbol
Gold has always been identified with riches. Feng Shui Gold coin stands for the fulfillment of desires. Red color signifies energy and growth. A triangle indicates upward mobility. All these are brought together to form a powerful money symbol. which...

Feng Shui Chinese education Symbol
Feng Shui Chinese education Symbol contains all the five elements so that is suits everyone and consists of a crystal mounted on a mirror. According to Chinese, the five elements are firewater, wood, earth, and metal. Each element has a...