भारत में फेंगशुई का चलन दिनों दिन बढ़ता जा रहा है इसका प्रमुख कारण है इसके आसान टिप्स। यह टिप्स इतने सरल होते हैं जो आसानी से किए जा सकते हैं देखा जाए तो फेंग शुई चीन का वास्तु शास्त्र...
What is Fengshui? Let’s Understand it Better!
Many of you don't know, what feng Shui actually is?, how it works or what kind of benefit we can get from it. And so that's why I am here, I want to explain the complexity of feng Shui in...
These 5 Yogasanas are the most effective in weight loss, do only 10 minutes daily
These are some popular yoga postures that can overcome your problem of over weight body. Come, let's know some beneficial yoga postures- Bhujangasana This yoga body tightens the muscles of your stomach and relieves the hanging fat. Also, its...
This message indicates, luck is with you
If luck is combined with hard work, then nothing can stop you from getting success. In our everyday life, we get many such signs which give the message of something auspicious. These signs give us an opportunity to make good...