Cashbox Energizer
Cashbox Energizer a small Pyramid of about 5 cms. size. The direction colors and symbols are painted over it. Keep it in your Cash box or cupboard where you keep valuables.
How to use the Cashbox Energizer?
The Pyramid can also be used as a protective symbol and can be kept in the glove compartment of your car. It can also be carried by women in their handbag as a symbol of protection. advised to carry this symbol in their briefcases.
How to place Cashbox Energizer?
When you place in the cash cupboard, align the pyramid using a small compass. Use a little adhesive to rigidly fix the pyramid so that it does not get disturbed while operating the cupboard. Alignment need not be considered when the pyramid is carried in such a manner.
Tags: Cashbox Energizer, Feng Shui for money problems, Feng shui for wealth