
Brass 9 Pyramids Plate for Wall and Floor (Size 3 Inches)

Original price was: ₹ 1,200.00.Current price is: ₹ 850.00. (Incl. GST)


The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate is a masterful blend of artistic design and spiritual symbolism. Crafted from high-quality brass, this plate features nine intricately designed pyramids arranged in a square pattern. The plate’s dimensions of 3 Inches make it a versatile piece suitable for both wall and floor placement. The brass material not only adds a touch of sophistication but also holds spiritual significance in many cultures.

Uses and Benefits: Harnessing Positive Energy

Vastu Benefits of Brass 9 Pyramids Plate for Wall and Floor

In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, the arrangement and placement of objects hold immense significance in harmonizing energies within a space. The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate, with its unique design and spiritual symbolism, aligns well with Vastu principles and offers several benefits:

  1. Positive Energy Flow: The nine pyramids on the plate represent the nine directions in Vastu, including the four main cardinal directions and the intermediate directions. Placing the plate on a wall or the floor can help ensure a smooth and positive energy flow throughout the space.
  2. Balance and Harmony: The pyramid’s shape is considered sacred and harmonizing in Vastu. The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate radiates balanced energies, promoting harmony among the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) and fostering a sense of equilibrium.
  3. Wealth and Prosperity: Brass is associated with the planet Jupiter, which is linked to wealth and abundance. Placing the plate in the north or northeast corner of a room can attract prosperity and financial well-being.
  4. Spiritual Alignment: The geometric precision of the plate’s design enhances its ability to channel spiritual energies. Placing it in the east, which is associated with the sunrise and new beginnings, can aid in spiritual growth and alignment.
  5. Protection and Healing: Pyramids are known for their protective and healing properties. Positioning the plate in the southwest corner can offer a sense of security and safeguard the occupants of the space from negative influences.
  6. Enhanced Creativity: The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate can stimulate creative thinking and innovation. Placing it in the west, which is connected to the setting sun and creativity, can encourage artistic pursuits and fresh ideas.
  7. Relationship Harmony: The plate’s design symbolizes unity and harmony. Placing it in the southwest corner of a bedroom can promote marital bliss and strengthen relationships.
  8. Removal of Obstacles: Pyramids are believed to help remove obstacles and negativity. Placing the plate near the entrance or in the central area of the home can create a positive and welcoming atmosphere.
  9. Improved Concentration: The plate’s energy can enhance focus and concentration. Placing it on a study desk or in a meditation space can aid in mental clarity and mindfulness.
  10. Overall Well-being: By radiating positive energies, the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate contributes to the overall well-being of the inhabitants. Its presence can create a soothing and rejuvenating environment.

Aesthetic Enhancement:

The plate serves as a stunning centerpiece, adding an aura of elegance to any room. Its intricate design captures the eye and creates an immediate focal point, making it a conversation starter.

Spiritual Significance:

Pyramids have long been associated with energy amplification and spiritual elevation. The nine pyramids on this plate represent unity and alignment of the body, mind, and soul. Placing it in your space can invite harmony and balance.

Energy Channeling:

The geometric precision of the pyramids allows the plate to channel and radiate positive energy. It can help cleanse the surrounding space, promoting a sense of tranquility and well-being.

Meditation Aid:

Many practitioners use this plate as a meditation aid. The energy it emanates can deepen meditation experiences, helping individuals connect with their inner selves.

Feng Shui Element:

In Feng Shui, brass is considered an auspicious material that attracts prosperity and abundance. Placing the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate in specific areas of your home can enhance the flow of positive energy.

Where to Place the Product: Harmonizing Spaces

The versatility of the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate shines through in its placement options:

Living Room:

Adorn a prominent wall to create a captivating focal point. The plate’s presence will fill the room with positive vibrations, fostering a welcoming atmosphere.


Position the plate near your meditation corner or by your bedside. Let its energy envelop you, promoting restful sleep and a tranquil mind.


Infuse your workspace with harmony and creativity. Placing the plate on your desk or hanging it on the wall can enhance focus and productivity.

Best Direction for Placement: Aligning Energies

For optimal results, consider the following directions when placing the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate:


Enhance career prospects and life path alignment.


Strengthen fame and recognition energies.


Attract health and well-being.


Foster creativity and innovation.

Customer Benefits: Why Choose

When you choose to purchase the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate from, you’re not just acquiring a decorative piece – you’re embracing a transformative experience.

  • Authenticity Guaranteed: Each plate is crafted with care and carries the essence of ancient spiritual wisdom.
  • Wide Selection: offers a curated collection of spiritual and decorative items, ensuring you find the perfect pieces for your space.
  • Affordability: Elevate your space without breaking the bank. offers competitive prices without compromising quality.
  • Testimonials from Across India:
    • “The positive energy in my home has significantly increased since I placed the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate.” – Priya, Mumbai.
    • “I feel more centered and focused during meditation with this plate nearby.” – Rajesh, Bangalore.
    • “My guests always admire the unique design – it’s truly a work of art.” – Aarti, Delhi.
    • “The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate has brought a sense of harmony to my family room.” – Suresh, Chennai.
    • “I’ve noticed an improvement in the overall ambiance of my home. Thank you,!” – Sanaya, Kolkata.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Space, Elevate Your Life

The Brass 9 Pyramids Plate transcends mere decoration; it’s a conduit of positive energy, a symbol of unity, and an embodiment of elegance. By gracing your space with this exceptional piece, you invite harmony, balance, and spiritual alignment. stands as your trusted source for quality spiritual artifacts that enrich your life and your home. Embrace the transformative power of the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate and elevate your space into a haven of positive vibrations.

FAQs about the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate

Q1: Can I place the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate outdoors?

A: While the plate is designed for indoor use, you can place it in a covered outdoor space to benefit from its positive energies.

Q2: How do I clean and maintain the plate’s shine?

A: Gently wipe the plate with a soft, damp cloth to maintain its luster. Avoid using abrasive cleaners.

Q3: Can the plate be hung on a slanted wall?

A: Yes, the plate’s design allows for secure hanging on both flat and slanted walls.

Q4: Can the Brass 9 Pyramids Plate be used in conjunction with other spiritual items?

A: Absolutely! The plate’s energy can complement and amplify the effects of other spiritual elements in your space.

Q5: Is the plate’s design specific to a certain spiritual tradition?

A: The plate’s design draws inspiration from various spiritual concepts, making it a versatile piece suitable for different traditions.

Material – Brass

Size – 3 Inches

Additional information

Weight 0.450 g
Dimensions 16 × 16 × 4 cm


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