Brass Dhanvantri idol, is associated with health and healing in Hinduism. It is reputed to offer a range of benefits, both for a dwelling, and for the occupants of that dwelling.
Here are the advantages of a Brass Dhanvantri Idol:
Health and Wellbeing: Dhanvantri is the Hindu deity of medicine. It is asserted that placing his sculpture within a home should enhance the health of all those living there. It is said to prevent diseases and sickness.
Growing Plants and Prosperity: Dhanvantri is often affiliated with growth and affluence. Therefore, keeping the idol at home is expected to help in earning wealth and financial security.
Intelligence and Knowledge: Dhanvantri is regarded as the God of Wisdom and Learning. Hence, even the statue of Dhanvantri is believed to improve the knowledge and wisdom of the people who live in that particular house.
Psychological Development: The Dhanvantri idol has the ability to promote self-improvement among an individual. It can motivate the individuals to have and maintain faith and connect them with themselves.
Guidelines for Placing Dhanvantri Idol:
Best familiarity (DISPLAY) Dhanvantri idol facing east or northeast. This direction is suitable for the hindus since it is believed that it attracts health and blesses good things.
More Practice Suggestions:
Hygienity: Maintain the Dhanvantri idol in neat condition and beware of dust.
Prayers: It is customary to respect the idol each day by dedicating fruits, flowers or water to it.
Illumination: It is advisable to place a diya or incense on the statue to cleanse the space
Concentration: Focus your attention on the idol and sit in silence to feel its power and blessing.
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