
Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant – Pencil Shape

(10 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹ 599.00.Current price is: ₹ 399.00. (Incl. GST)


The Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant features a unique pencil shape that exudes a timeless charm. Crafted with precision and care, each pendant showcases the mesmerizing beauty of natural Howlite crystal. The pendant’s sleek and slender design makes it a versatile accessory that effortlessly complements any outfit, from casual to formal. The subtle marbled patterns within the Howlite crystal create a visual feast for the eyes, making it a true conversation starter.

Uses and Benefits: Unveiling the Magic Within

  1. Calming Influence: Howlite crystal is renowned for its soothing properties. Wearing the pendant can help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility in your daily life.
  2. Enhanced Communication: This crystal is believed to stimulate effective communication and self-expression. It can be particularly beneficial for those seeking to convey their thoughts and emotions more clearly.
  3. Sleep Aid: If you struggle with restful sleep, the Howlite crystal pendant might be your solution. Its calming energy may help improve sleep quality, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed.
  4. Heightened Awareness: The pendant’s energies are thought to enhance mindfulness and awareness, encouraging you to stay present and attentive in your daily experiences.
  5. Emotional Healing: Howlite is associated with emotional healing and personal growth. Wearing the pendant can assist you in processing and releasing negative emotions, paving the way for a more balanced emotional state.

Where to Place the Product: Infusing Spaces with Positivity

For optimal results, consider placing the Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant in spaces where you seek tranquility and balance. Some ideal locations include:

  • Bedroom: Hang the pendant near your bed to promote restful sleep and create a serene ambiance.
  • Meditation Area: Enhance your meditation practice by wearing the pendant or placing it nearby to deepen your connection with your inner self.
  • Workspace: Keep the pendant on your desk to foster clear communication and maintain a calm and focused mind during work hours.

Customer Benefits: Why Choose

At, we understand the importance of holistic well-being. By choosing the Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant from our collection, you not only receive a stunning piece of jewelry but also experience:

  • Authenticity: Our pendants are crafted from genuine Howlite crystal, ensuring you receive the highest quality product.
  • Affordability: We believe that everyone deserves access to wellness-enhancing products. That’s why we offer the Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant at the lowest price, making it accessible to all.
  • Variety: Explore our diverse range of crystal pendants and find the perfect one to match your unique style and preferences.
  • Positive Reviews: Don’t just take our word for it! Here are a few testimonials from satisfied customers across different areas of India:
    1. “I wear my Howlite pendant every day, and I’ve noticed a significant reduction in my stress levels. Thank you, Devotionalkart!” – Priya from Mumbai
    2. “The pendant’s design is elegant, and its calming effects are truly remarkable. Highly recommended!” – Rajesh from Delhi
    3. “I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, but after wearing the Howlite pendant, my sleep has improved dramatically.” – Sneha from Bangalore

Embrace Elegance and Well-being

Incorporate the Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant – Pencil Shape into your daily routine and experience the harmony it brings to your life. Elevate your style, promote inner peace, and enjoy the numerous benefits that this exquisite piece of jewelry has to offer. Visit now and embark on a journey of elegance, positivity, and holistic well-being.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 g
Dimensions 15 × 11 × 10 cm

10 reviews for Howlite Crystal Stone Pendant – Pencil Shape

  1. Sameer Malhotra (verified owner)

    The pendant’s design is versatile, suitable for both casual and formal occasions.

  2. Rukmini Nair (verified owner)

    The crystal’s properties align with my spiritual practices; I wear it daily.

  3. Yamini Joshi (verified owner)

    Wearing this crystal stone pendant is a delightful sensory experience.

  4. Dhruv Khanna (verified owner)

    Wearing this crystal pendant is a daily reminder of inner strength and positivity.

  5. Varun Singh (verified owner)

    The crystal’s colors are vibrant, and the pendant is well-crafted.

  6. Yash Joshi (verified owner)

    The innovative technology sets this product apart from the competition.

  7. Rashi Singh (verified owner)

    The customer service team went above and beyond to assist me.

  8. Nisha Mehra (verified owner)

    The user manual is comprehensive and easy to follow.

  9. Harish Reddy (verified owner)

    This product is a game-changer, revolutionary in its features.

  10. Rashi Singh (verified owner)

    Exceptional battery life, lasts longer than expected.

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