Make your worship of Lakshmi and Ganesha extra auspicious and special by buying Ashtdhatu Lakshmi Ganesha idol. This mini statue is painted with high-quality golden colour which looks beautiful and can be placed into your temple, showcase or you can even place it on your office table to keep getting the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha. This golden ashtdhatu Lakshmi-Ganesha statue is also a unique and special gifting option for occasions like Diwal festival etc.
Goddess Lakshmi brings wealth, fortune and fame whereas God Ganesha give blessings for the auspicious start of any work. Therefore, this mini ashtdhatu idol of Lakshmi-Ganesha gives you both blessings. brings you this product at best price and best quality, order now for self or for gifting it to someone.