What is Panchtantra?

Panchatantra is considered the first place in Sanskrit fables. Although the book is no longer in its original form, its composition has been set around the third century BCE, based on available translations. The author of this book is Pt. Vishnu Sharma. Panchatantra is divided into five tantras (parts): Mitrbhed (estrangement and separation between friends), Mitrabh, or friend procreation. (Friend gain and its benefits), Kakolukiyam (the story of crows and owls), Labhpranash (getting out of the hand (of the thing)), the obnoxious factor (be careful before doing what has not been tested; move in haste Do not pick up). In many stories of Panchatantra, in addition to human characters, many times animals and birds have also been made characters of the story and an attempt has been made to tell them many instructive things.

Kathamukh – Panchatantra

In some districts of the south, there was a city – Mahilaropya. King Amarshakti there was very powerful and generous. King Amar Shakti, who excelled in all the arts, had three sons – polypower, fiery power, and infinite power. As much as the king himself was a strategist, scholar, virtuoso, and expert in the arts, unfortunately, his three sons were just as arrogant, ignorant and misinformed.

Concerned by the foolishness and ignorance of his sons, the king told his ministers one day, “It would be better to remain childless than such foolish and inconsiderate sons.” The death of sons does not cause as much pain as the foolish son. The son gives grief once when he dies, but such sons cause pain and humiliation like a lifetime curse. In our state, thousands of scholars, artists, and policy-makers remain highly devoted. Take such a measure that these ill-fated Rajputs should become educated and move towards wisdom and knowledge. “

The minister started deliberating. Finally, Minister Sumati said, “Maharaj, the life span of a person is very uncertain and short. Our princes are now grown up. If you start studying grammar and vocabulary properly, it will take many days. It would be appropriate for them to teach them on the basis of some short scripture, in which abstractions have been discarded; As the goose accepts milk, it releases water. One such magnanimous Vishnu Sharma lives in your state. Vishnu Sharma, who is well versed in all the scriptures, has a great reputation among the students. You hand it over to the Rajputs for education. “

This is what King Amarshakti did. After honoring Mahapandit Vishnu Sharma, he pleaded with Vinay, “Arya, please be so kind to my sons that they get to know economics. I will give you a hundred villages in Dakshina. “
Acharya Vishnu Sharma said fearlessly, “I do not sell knowledge, God! I do not have to sell my knowledge with a hundred villages. But I promise that within six months I will make your sons successful in policies. God make me void of knowledge if I cannot do it! “
Hearing this terrible promise of Mahapandit, all were shocked.

Hearing this terrible promise of Mahapandit, all were shocked.

King Amarshakti worshiped Vishnu Sharma along with ministers and handed over the three Rajputas to him.

Vishnu Sharma reached his residence with Rajputas. According to his vow, he wrote a very interesting book in six months to master him in economics. There were five systems in it – Mitrabheda, Mitrasampraana (MitraLabha), Kakolukiyam, Labdhapranasam, and Aprikshakaramakam. That is why the name of that book ‘Panchatantra’ became famous.

After studying this interesting book full of parables taken from folk tales, the three illiterate and obedient Rajputas became masterful in ethics in six months according to the pledge of the Brahmin.

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