Feng Shui Fuk Luk Sau statues are feng shui gods of wealth which brings fame, fortune as well as blesses with long life from the universe to you. In short, we can say that – Statue of Fuk bless with good luck and harmony; Statue of Luk bless with authority, power and wealth and Statue of Sau or shou bless with good health and longevity. Therefore, these Fuk Luk Sau are the popular deities of wealth, Prosperity and longevity.
Detailed meaning of Fuk-Luk-Sau
- The Chinese character Fuk is the Chinese wise man that is often shown in statue holding either a scroll or a child. It is a popular belief that Fuk is the personification of planet Jupiter, with all its associated energy of good luck and auspiciousness. The child in the hand of Fuk is there to symbolize the transmission of this good luck to future generations, and the scroll can be interpreted as the importance of knowledge/learning.
- The Feng Shui Chinese character Luk is often depicted holding a ru yi, that is a symbol of power and authority and golden ingot which is a popular symbol of wealth and fortune.
- The Statue of Sau or shou in feng shui symbolizes longevity. Statue of Sau is equally important to fuk and luk because without long life you can’t enjoy fame, success and wealth.
Direction to display the Fuk-Luk-Sau statue figurine
- Statues of Fuk Luk Sau can be displayed on the table in your living room or dining area facing inside (not directly facing the main door if facing outside).
- The level of the table should be at least three feet.
- Do not keep the statue of Fuk Luk Sau under the beam or facing to toilet, also never keep then in kitchen, bathroom or bedroom.
- Statues of Fuk Luk Sau are always placed in a specific order. Staute of Fuk is always to the left with all the blessings and good luck energy. Luk is always in the center, with the promise of success and financial stability. Sau is to the right shown smiling and offering the gifts of longevity and peaceful life.
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